25 septiembre, 2010

Prince Paul - A Prince Among Thieves (1999)

RESEÑA: Este disco es uno de los mas aclamados y es considerado un Clásico en la historia del Hip-Hop, por el concepto que usó de hacer como una historia completa del disco..

La Trama es de un Joven aspirante a MC llamado Tariq (interpretado por el rapero Breezly Brewin) que necesita dinero para grabar un demo antes de una reunion con Rza (lider de Wu-Tang Clan). El tipo cierra su mal pagado negocio y entra con su mejor amigo (el rapero Gran Sha) al negocio de las drogas.
La historia ve a los dos haciendo su camino a través del mundo de drogas, una emboscada de la policía, la cárcel y, finalmente, un enfrentamiento mortal.
Todo esto ocurre durante el disco y cada rapero sale como con su personaje....un disco totalmente cuatico. pero bueno de principio a fin.

Gracias al Blog: LA EPOCA DE ORO DEL RAP


REVIEW: This album is one of the most acclaimed and is considered a classic in
Hip-Hop history, the concept he used to do as a story
full disk ..

Plot is an aspiring young MC named Tariq (played by Brewin Breezly rapper) who needs money to record a demo before a meeting with Rza (leader of Wu-Tang Clan). The guy closes his poorly paid business and comes with his best friend (the rapper Big Sha) the business of drugs.
The story sees the two making their way through the world of drugs,
an ambush of the police, prison and finally a confrontation
mortal. All this occurs during the disk and every rapper out as with
character .... totally Great disc. but good from start to finish.

Thanks to the Blog: LA EPOCA DE ORO DEL RAP


01. Tariq's Delimma (Intro)
02. Pain (featuring Sha/Breeze)
03. How It All Started
04. Steady Slobbin' (featuring Breeze)
05. Just Another Day
06. What U Got (The Demo) (featuring Breeze)
07. Hustles On, The
08. MC Hustler (featuring Horror City)
09. The Call
10. Other Line, The (featuring Breeze/Heroine)
11. Crazy Lou's Hideout
12. Weapon World (featuring Kool Keith)
13. My Big Chance
14. War Party (featuring Horror City)
15. Count Macula
16. Macula's Theory (featuring Big Daddy Kane)
17. Mr. Large (featuring Chubb Rock/Biz Markie)
18. Can You Handle It
19. Put The Next Man On (featSha, Breeze & Superstar)
20. I Was In
21. My First Day (featuring Chris Rock)
22. More Than U Know (featuring De La Soul)
23. Room 69 (featuring Sweet Dee)
24. Mood For Love (featuring Newkirk)
25. The Bust
26. Men In Blue (featuring Everlast)
27. Central Booking
28. Handle Your Time (feat Sadat X, Xzibit & Kid Creole)
29. The Rev
30. Sermon
31. Showdown
32. You Got Shot (featuring Breeze & Sha)
33. Every Beginning Must Have An Ending
34. New Joint (DJ's Delite)
35. Prince Among Thieves, A (featuring Sha)


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